Book smart: Measuring your true risk

Do you know what’s in your small commercial insurance book? Stop guessing and dig in.

Keeping coverage aligned with risk can be a challenge for small business insurers in the fast-paced market. A policy written two years ago may be obsolete by renewal, leaving the insurer with mispriced risk and unexpected exposure. How do you measure alignment between the policies in your small commercial portfolio and the risks on the ground? How do you ensure that your book of business matches your risk appetite? To answer those questions, you may need to pause and take stock, applying structured, relevant data to help determine where you stand in relation to your strategic goals.

Verisk’s white paper examines the cascading effects of miscalculated small commercial exposure, from unexpected claims to premium leakage and dissatisfied customers. But there’s a way forward through a small commercial portfolio analysis that can uncover hidden risk, misaligned coverage, and unexplored opportunities to optimize your business.